Does replacement of a fitting in a medical installation require inspection

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Dan L
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Does replacement of a fitting in a medical installation require inspection

Post by Dan L »

In regards to 6.3 (3003). and ESR 60

To me reads like if an entire light fitting was replaced it would constitute an alteration. ( as a complete light fitting would not be an accessory or a component (6.3 A and B) There for would have to be treated as a new installation and require inspection.

Is this Correct or am I way off?

Help much appreciated
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Re: Does replacement of a fitting in a medical installation require inspection

Post by JamieP »

Because ESRs trump standards I'd probably go by the fact that something is only high risk, if it's not low risk and because replacement or maintainence is low risk then I'd assume inspection is not needed by ESRs

But I'm not very educated in this area so best to wait until someone who deals with this area a lot can give some better information
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Re: Does replacement of a fitting in a medical installation require inspection

Post by AlecK »

There's a distinction that must be made between two different uses of the word "inspection".

There's the sense the word is used in standards; being the basic act of checking things that's part of every job
Then there's the sense the word carries in ESRs, being Inspection of high-risk PEW.
That sort of inspection is only needed when work is carried out that is classified as high risk PEW.
As per ESR 6a, maintenance, including replacement of any fitting (or fittings), is classified as low risk PEW; so no inspection is required.

Note that the definition of "accessory" (which is referred to in clause 6.3) includes any "fitting"
Accordingly if you replace a luminaire in a patient area; then under that clause the replacement may be done using methods that were acceptable when originally installed - as against having to follow the current edition of the Standard
This is one of the (very) few places where the term "like for like" is used; so the replacement fitting must be of a similar nature to the fitting being replaced in order to qualify. Not exactly identical; just essentially similar such that it doesn't materially alter the electrical characteristics of the circuit.

The work is classified as low risk by ESR 6A, so no Inspection is necessary under ESR 70.
Dan L
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Re: Does replacement of a fitting in a medical installation require inspection

Post by Dan L »

I'm quite confident what falls into low, general and high risk

But in the 3003 it just sais a few things that made me think there were exceptions to medical.

Like when it says if "replace" a complete fitting must comply with new standard. So then I was thinking it must be inspected if its classed as new by the the standard AS NEW medical to be inspected. And I though esr 60 may have been backing this up

But then again I think that section 6 point is more aimed when to upgrade patients rooms to current standardss

I heard a company were going to get a inspection for replacement of a light in a cardiac-protected room.

I was surprised so started to look for some info but I wS prob looking in the wrong place and maybe seeing joining dots thsmat are not even there when I needed not go any further than the esr

Thanks team
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