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4.3 connection of electrical equipment

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:11 pm
by DougP
There's a few examples in 4.3
But nothing that resembles installation wiring to an isolator, then more fixed/flexible wiring to a motor for example.

I think everyone just expects that 4.3.4 and fig 4.5 applies. But does it really?
You could have wiring in conduit up to the isolator, then more wiring in conduit up to the motor. Where does the installation wiring stop in that case?

TIA ;)

Re: 4.3 connection of electrical equipment

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:15 am
by AlecK
The key is in the definitions of the terms [1.4.101 & 1.4.102].

4.3.4 & Fig 4.5 would apply for a PCU, ceiling rose, etc, where the final bit of wiring is flex that can be seen as being part of the appliance.
If the flex comes as part of the appliance, it's obvious.
Less so if we provide the flex; bit the definitions seal with that in most cases.

For your example; if you have fixed wiring all the way, then it's all installation wiring up to the motor terminals