Forum User Guidelines

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Forum User Guidelines

Post by gregmcc »

NZ’s Electrical Forum - Forum Usage Guidelines (FUG)
Posted on 12th April 2020 18:15| Filed under: General Information : : About Us

These are the guidelines to follow when using our forums.

• These are moderated forums.
• NZ’s Electrical Forum is not affiliated with any particular company, either directly or indirectly for the purpose of forum moderation.
• Sponsors (if any) have no influence, direct or indirect, on decisions made by Administrators and Moderators in this forum.
• We require that members respect the decisions of the Moderators.
• Accusing someone of working for a company or being paid by company because of disagreement in opinions may result on a ban at the discretion of the Administrators or Moderators.
• Ad Hominem premises are not acceptable.
• If a company's employee will be offering support or help in our forums they are required to identify themselves by asking NZ’s Electrical Forum to assign them a company tag. Without this we won't allow requests for personal information.
• When providing personal identifiable information users should always use the private message system.
• Users should be aware that information posted in the forums will be available to everyone else to see, including search engines. If you do not want your name appearing in search engines, make sure you edit this information in your profile page.
• Posts shall remain on topic. Off topic (OT) replies are not allowed, and the user should create a new topic if needed.
• Please search the forum before posting - you'll find lots of answers here and this will prevent double posts. Do not post the same topic in more than one subforum.
• Self-promotional and commercial posts are not allowed and will be removed. The only exception is in the Offers and Wanted forums, where users will be allowed to post non-commercial offers (personal only) after some participation in the forums.
• Any form of advertising will be removed and the poster may be banned.
• Astroturfing and Sockpuppteting are not allowed and posters will be banned. If a company IP address is identified we may block that IP address from accessing NZ’s Electrical Forum.
• When talking about a company use their real name. We follow the principle that respect must go both ways.
• Be polite. Do not SHOUT. Do not post subject in ALL CAPITALS. Be considerate and use standard English, do not use SMS abbreviations.
• E-mail addresses may be removed, to prevent spam bot harvesting these addresses.
• You should not ask for other members' personal information (including name, address, phone number and account numbers) unless you have a company tag and work directly in fixing/investigating a fault.
• All IP addresses are recorded and will allow us to track fake posts if necessary. Our Privacy Statement explains how we collect and manage this information.
• Administrators and Moderators can and will delete or edit posts if these fall out of these guidelines. If the behaviour persists the poster can be banned. This ban is for an unlimited time. In some situations moderators may decide to apply a temporary suspension instead.
• Discussions about the copyright law itself are welcome. You can not complain about notifications or terminations that were sent by ISPs according to the law and you can not discuss in details how to bypass the copyright law. For example saying a specific technology can be used is ok, describing step-by-step how to do it is not.
• The [Offers and Wanted] forum has specific rules that must be read before posting in said forum.
• Godwin's Law will cause topics to be locked and may result in an instant ban.
• Breaching Wheaton's Law will result in a warning and subsequent ban.
Posts will be removed and the user may be banned (either temporarily or permanently) if:

• the post promotes illicit material;
• the post promotes or asks for ways of breaking the law;
• the post contains unlock codes;
• the post links to unauthorised sources of copyrighted material not property of the author;
• the post links to contests, pyramid schemes or affiliate programs, get rich scams;
• the post contains instructions for sharing mechanisms that impact revenue streams of content providers;
• the post is simply for URL dropping or SEO link building and similar;
• the post is one of multiple copies in different forums;
• the posts contains unnecessarily long quotes from previous replies;
• the post contains or links profanity or adult material;
• the post contains abuse towards any person, NZ’s Electrical Forum user or not;
• the post contains confidential information or information subject to NDA or other agreements and the owner requests removal;
• the post can be considered libel or defamation;
• the forum is used as a "soapbox" by first time posters; "soapbox" posts usually have inflammatory subjects, bad words and the user does not come back with responses after being contacted by the ISP or other users.
• If a topic is created with meaningless, single words subjects.
Posts will be removed and the user will be banned if:

• it promotes and advocates extremism or other ideologies of hate including, but not limited, racism, sexism and ageism.
Refunds to banned users: if a subscriber is banned from NZ’s Electrical Forum we will reimburse the subscription paid via bank account or a donation with receipt in the user's name.

Copyright: NZ’s Electrical Forum does not claim copyright on your comments. You give NZ’s Electrical Forum unlimited, non-revocable right to use the topics, replies, quotes you posted. You can request us to remove personal identifiable information from your posts but comments and opinions will remain in our database.

Agreement: Users posting in our forums agree to these terms. If you do not agree with these terms please do not proceed.
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Re: Forum User Guidelines

Post by AlecK »

How is the logged-in timeout function set?
Sometimes I get bumped-out after only a few minutes since last posting (just like the old forum, but worse)
Other times i can prepare a fairly long post, and still manage to post it without having to log in again (which if not saved means re-writing it all).
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Re: Forum User Guidelines

Post by DougP »

I was just reading your post Alec, and thinking I've never had to log in for a few weeks - I must have selected "remember me". And I went to look at the "logout" button, then I was logged out... Maybe I hit it by mistake.
Not sure if Greg has changed anything though?
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Re: Forum User Guidelines

Post by gregmcc »

The "Remember Me" for login is set to 0 days which means it never expires, this is validated against the 1st 3 blocks of your IP address eg. A.B.C.x so A.B.C must stay the same for the remember me to stay valid. Alec I'm guessing your IP address may change enough between some sessions for the remember me to be re-validated, i'm not sure if I can make an individual change just for your login or not (to relax the validation) but I will look in to it.

As far as postings go, you have 7200 seconds to submit your post - that's 2 hours before the form becomes invalid.

Let me know if you have any other questions, I am to make it easy to use without opening it up to spammers - Already had a couple of attempts to register obviously fake accounts (invalid email addresses)
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Re: Forum User Guidelines

Post by AlecK »

Not trying to make work for you; was just wondering what the time limit was.
I admit to taking time over some posts, but never as long as 2 hours
Difficult to define how long it takes, but appears to vary.
Sometimes i get one post in, and shortly after the next one gets lost; so I'm assuming the time is not a period of inactivity but a fixed period from last login

However one constant is that my first log-on for the session never lasts even for just a few minutes.
- notice a new post, click on link to read it.
- assuming I want to reply, clock on [post reply]; goes to login screen
-log in; goes to reply entry screen
- type reply, click [submit]; goes to log-in screen again

I'll try Doug's suggestion of "Remember me"

For now I'm routinely [Ctrl+C] before every post, just in case

Yesterday i discovered why the forum titles / topic titles were increasing red (indicating un-read posts);
even though I knew I'd read every post under some of them.
Seems they don't reset to blue unless you climb down into the topic through that pathway;
whereas i've been clicking on the "latest post" direct link on the right ; after reviewing dates / times.
Old habits die hard
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Re: Forum User Guidelines

Post by Satobsat »

Hi Greg
Please don't call me a dinosaur but how do you upload images for a post?
What is the easiest way for multiple images?
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Re: Forum User Guidelines

Post by gregmcc »

Satobsat wrote:
Wed Nov 09, 2022 10:11 pm
Hi Greg
Please don't call me a dinosaur but how do you upload images for a post?
What is the easiest way for multiple images?
Start you new post (or reply) and it should be as simple as dragging the picture (or file) to the box you are typing the message or multiple files, scroll down a bit and you will see the files, you can then add the file to the message or delete it
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