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Getting Ejected

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 3:01 pm
by AlecK
Once again, as in the early days, i keep getting ejected from the site.
Not only when just sitting logged-in while I do other things; but even while composing a response.
And if you forget to copy the post before submitting, you lose all that work - and time. Start again.

So not just ejected; but dejected as well :evil:

Must be a setting that needs to be re-tweaked?

Re: Getting Ejected

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 6:05 pm
by gregmcc
I tweaked the form submission time and the way IP addresses are checked between sessions. Let me know if this fixes the issue or not.

Re: Getting Ejected

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 9:16 am
by AlecK
Thanks Greg, will see how it goes.

It's not so much the fact of being kicked out as not knowing what the parameters are.

For a long time now I've been able to stay logged in for days, even weeks, at a time
Which saves a few keystrokes several times a day; just 1 click to refresh the page and see whether there are any new posts
But no doubt I will get used to logging in more regularly.

As you'll understand; some questions call for quite detailed & thorough answers; which take time to draft.
Especially when references have to be checked (or often found in the first place, as the OP doesn't always give the reference they are asking about).
Wouldn't be so bad being logged out if that didn't also delete the draft answer.

While I can understand being too long doing nothing would result in auto-logout;
would have thought that the fact that typing was happening would count as actively using the site.

Re: Getting Ejected

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 5:49 pm
by gregmcc
Here are some of the settings:-
Session IP Validation is set to none - this was set to checking the 1st 3 IP numbers x.x.x

Post limit editing time is set to 0 (no limit)

If you continue to have problems, let me know