Guidelines for this Forum

Got something to sell or want to buy something
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Guidelines for this Forum

Post by gregmcc »

This is where members can sell stuff left over or put the call out for something wanted, ideally electrically related but doesn't have to be.

At this point I can't see a problem if a company wants to sell something here but keep in mind it is not a free advertising platform for people/companies to use and abuse, if it heads that way warnings will be issued to offenders and accounts may be blocked.

So be sensible, only sell what is legal to sell, illegal goods will result in an immediate ban. This forum, it's administrators, moderators will take action where they deem it appropriate but do not take any liability or responsibility for any goods/services posted here.

Forum Admin.
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PeteRig (Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:16 pm) • Mazdaman (Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:34 pm)
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